DANGER This machine is not insulated for use near electrical power lines and DOES NOT provide protection from contact with or close proximity to any electrically charged conductor. XLT-1571AC 1-3 DURING OPERATION Ensure the following general safety precautions are followed during the operation of the Cougar Lift. Watch for moving vehicles in the operating area. Be aware of any potential hazards and always consider what could happen. ALWAYS survey the usage area for potential hazards such as untampered earth fills, unlevel surfaces, overhead obstructions, and electrically charged conductors or wires.WARNING Warnings describe conditions or practices that could lead to personal injury or death.ġ - SAFETY 1-2 BEFORE OPERATION Ensure the following general safety precautions are followed before operating the Cougar Lift. DANGER Dangers warn of equipment operation near electrical power lines that could lead to personal injury or death. XLT-1571AC Safety Notes This manual contains DANGERS, WARNINGS, CAUTIONS, and NOTES that must be followed to prevent the possibility of improper service, damage to the equipment, or personal injury. Inexperienced operators should receive instruction from someone familiar with the equipment before being allowed to operate the machine. Read the operating instructions in this manual and become familiar with the location and proper use of all controls. Equipment operated improperly or by untrained personnel can be dangerous. 2-2 Daily/Weekly Service Checks.ġ Safety 1-1 INTRODUCTION Familiarity and proper training are required for the safe operation of mechanical equipment. Table of Contents 1 Safety.1-1 1-1 Introduction.1-1 1-2 Before Operation. This equipment will meet or exceed applicable OSHA codes and ANSI A92.3 standards when used in accordance with sections 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 of ANSI A92.3 and all other manufacturer’s recommendations.

TELESCOPIC PERSONNEL LIFT This equipment is designed and manufactured in compliance with the duties, responsibilities, and standards set forth for manufacturers in the ANSI 92.3 standard in effect at the time of manufacture. ` AERIAL WORK PLATFORMS Model XLT-1571AC Operation and Maintenance Manual R Electric Hydraulic Lift Platform ING RN WA N DA GE R ING RN WA XL T 1 5 7 1 A W R N IN G WA R NIN B33-01-0062 G